by Suzanne Barclay
Come celebrate the 40th Earth Day at the Orangetown Recycling and Earth Day Fair on Saturday, April 24, 10a-2p at the Tappan Zee High School gymnasium and parking lot.
Now is the time to go through your closet and dig out those old sneakers you haven’t worn in ages as well as those gently worn shoes you’ve kept for too long. Bring them to the Fair and New Balance will send shoes in good condition to people in Haiti. Worn out sneakers will be turned into new playground surfaces by the Nike Reuse-A-Shoe Program.
What about those bicycles cluttering up the garage that your kids have outgrown? Bring bicycles in riding condition to swap for another bike or donate to another family.
Bring your electronic waste (computers, monitors), used ink and toner cartridges, eye glasses, cell phones, crayons, worn blankets, towels and flags, and used batteries for recycling.
Personal documents may be shredded for $2 per box. Bring CDs and DVDs to swap.
Local environmental groups will have displays and demonstrations. Local green businesses will be featured.
Give aways include saplings, recycling bins, compost and reusable shopping bags to the first 100 people. There will be art projects for children and a bounce castle. Live jazz and food for sale will make it fun to spend the day.
Questions? Call Suzanne Barclay at 359-3258.