Keep Rockland Beautiful invites you to join neighbors and local leaders this Saturday at Rockland’s biggest annual community improvement event. Be part of the thousands of volunteers joining or leading cleanup crews to bag trash from streets, parks and streams while connecting with neighbors and the great outdoors.
Cleanup volunteers for Nyack will meet at the Nyack Center at 9a – 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 24. Morning refreshments, trash bags, litter grabber tools and giveaways for kids of all ages will be available, as well as a list of trashy sites around Nyack you can clean in teams. Last year 4,000 volunteers picked up 40 tons of trash at more than 300 sites to Keep Rockland Beautiful.
The Great American Cleanup in Rockland County, which is coordinated by Keep Rockland Beautiful and many local cleanup leaders, is Rockland’s biggest annual community improvement event.
Get more information about where to meet and how to register online or by calling Andy Stewart, Executive Director of Keep Rockland Beautiful, with your questions and ideas, 845-623-1534,