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Cool Tools and Useful Rules for Portraiture

Learn some cool tools and useful rules that bring portraits to life at the Hopper House on June 12-13, 9a-12:30p

Participants will learn key proportions and guidelines equipped with up-to-date tools in this class for teens and adults .

The session will cover measurement techniques, using unique tools to help convey likeness, the effect of light on form and choosing an optimal lighting set-up to reveal the key ‘€˜landmark’ features, compositional guidelines that take the mystery out of placing the head on the canvas, guides for establishing flesh tones, value and contrast to convey the illusion of depth and 3-dimensional form.

The instructor for these session is Portrait Society of America Honoree Rob Silverman, a recent recipient of the First Prize by Aaron Shikler, the legendary portraitist of John F. Kennedy and family.

The class is $40 per day and $36 per day for members. For both days, it’s $75  and $70 respectively if paid in advance. A list of supplies required will be supplied during the required pre-registration.

For more information and registration call 845-358-0774 or email

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