by Alan Carlisle
Trina’s Hunn’s post about Petersen’s Boatyard (NyackNewsAndViews, 12/16/2009) is full of wisdom.
Change is the only constant and better to manage it then allow it to eat you up. Listen to her advice…she wants the boat yard as it is.. she moved there to embrace its’ opportunity..but her worldly experience understands where this zone request may certainly end up..she is so right about the devil you know.
Deal now. Negotiate something good for the village. How about a waterfront public access and park? Boat moorings and dingy dock for the locals? What ever you want.. go for it! Don’t loose this opportunity. Get together and come up with a counter proposal that every one can accept. After all, change is the only constant.
I heartily concur with the advice in the article. Your thoughtful negotiations now may allow for a win win. Although that is hard to imagine now, down the road you will realize the inevitability of change, as disappointing as it might seem now.
Photo Credit: Mark Gado, truTV