Village Environmental Committee Seeks Members
by Richard Kavesh
In 2008 Nyack became a “Cool City,” joining thousands of other US municipalities in the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Climate Protection Campaign who vowed to reduce carbon emissions below 1990 levels in line with the Kyoto Protocol. Now there are opportunities for Nyack to look at local environmental issues that have the potential to create a healthier, greener village as well as potentially save taxpayer dollars.
Many Nyack residents have asked what they can do to make Nyack a greener, more environmentally-sensitive village. One answer is to do the little, day-to-day things that add up when lots of us do them: don’t drive your car one day a week; pick up one piece of loose trash a day.
Another is to join the Environmental Advisory Committee authorized by the Village Board at its February 11th meeting. The EAC will study and develop recommendations on issues such as:
- Energy alternatives to reduce fiscal impacts and environmental costs
- Water quality and storm water management
- Enhancement and/or enforcement of village ordinances, as they relate to environmental issues affecting village residents.
- The cleanliness and/or beautification of our air, streets, parks, and river and the preservation of green space
- Coordination with existing committees, boards, and local organizations on common issues
- Building code and planning restrictions and recommendations for better site design and low impact development
- Environmental education for Nyack citizens about the positive impact they can have through their actions and choices.
Interested in joining the Committee? Please contact Mayor Richard Kavesh at 353-1935, (914) 954-5100 (cell), or by email at or Committee Chair Deborah Turner at (845) 480-9006 (cell). Let’s green Nyack together.
See also: U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Climate Protection Campaign