See an Objibwey winter’s tale of an underdog’s perseverance when puppeteer Ana Vargas presents “Shingebiss” on Sunday Jan 3 at 1p and 2:30p at The Historical Society of Rockland County.
Anna Vargas is known for her charming interpretations of classic folk stories for children and adults with her handcrafted marionettes. Shingebiss is a Native American tale about a duck who survives the wicked winter-maker’s wrath to become a symbol of perseverance and hope.Tickets: $10 & includes admission to the Annual Miniature and Dollhouse Show: A Serendiptiy!,
Seating is limited and reservations are recommended by calling the Historical Society at 845-634-9629 or visiting
The Historical Society of Rockland County is located at 20 Zukor Road in New City.