Rockland County, Jan 29 — The Rockland County Haiti Relief Campaign is asking area students to wear red and blue, the colors of the Haitian flag on Friday, Jan 29 to show solidarity with families that have been impacted by the earthquake in Haiti.
Children from Haitian families who have lost a family member may opt to wear only blue clothing to respect the Haitian custom of not wearing red during times of mourning.
“Our children have been seeing frightening images on television and hearing traumatizing stories of death and suffering,” says Renold Julien, Executive Director of the Rockland County Haiti Relief Campaign, a coalition of Haitian-American community groups. “Thousands with family or friends in Haiti have also endured an agonizing wait for word of their loved ones’ fate, and with news of death, serious injury or homelessness and hunger,” says Julien.
“This is more than setting one day aside to remember the victims of this terrible quake and to gather donations for the survivors,” says County Executive C. Scott Vanderhoef. “We must keep the needs of the people of Haiti uppermost in our minds and to remember that help is needed every day while this devastated country rebuilds itself.”
Rockland County is setting up a collection point for donations at 11 New Hempstead Road from 9a to 12n Friday and from 1 to 4p in front of Building A at the County’s campus in Pomona.
Suggested items for donation include:
- Food: Rice, beans, pasta, sugar, powdered and canned milk, baby food, dry powdered juice, soups, salt, oatmeal, corn meal, sardines/canned fish, Spam, oil, flour, bottled water
- Personal items: Hand/bath soap, shampoo, diapers, toothpaste, toothbrushes. sanitary pads, deodorant, toilet paper, paper towels.
- Clothes: Summer-type clothing; all sizes needed; clothing items must be clean, in good condition and ready to wear.
- Medicine: Vitamins, aspirin, Children’s Tylenol and Ibuprofin, Pedialyte, anti-diarrhea medication, rubbing alcohol, alcohol preps, antiseptics and ointments (e.g. Neosporin, Bacitracin, hydrogen peroxide, iodine solution), Band-aids (bandages, gauze and tape of all kinds), slings, rubber gloves, face masks, hand sanitizer.
- Miscellaneous items: Candles, matches, netting, camping equipment, tents, tarpaulin, flashlights, batteries, mosquito dunks, Off body bug spray, folding beds or cots, hand tools (e.g. hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, shovels, hoes), tablets for purifying drinking/washing water.
Sources: Rockland County, Rockland County Haiti Relief Campaign