NYACK – The focus about anything Nyack is usually on the downtown. But if you take a walk up the hill, there are some good things happening.
Up along Highland Avenue (Route 9W), construction has been moving on quickly for the new Provident Bank branch at the corner of High Avenue. With the move of Nyack’s Dapper Dog to its new location another block north on Highland (in the long closed florist), this neighborhood has become busy again.
Residents near the Provident Bank construction are also getting more sidewalks. Workers this week finished putting down the concrete for the sidewalks. Anyone who’s had to walk through this area – including school children – has encountered difficulty getting by in the past. Coming down High Avenue, the sidewalks ended on the west side of the street long before you reached the corner with Highland Avenue.
For years, pedestrians had a tough time making their way past the site where the bank is now located because it did not have a clear path for walkers along Highland Avenue.
The construction of the sidewalks and curbs for the bank, however, did lead to the elimination of the “No Right Turn On Red” sign that was at the corner of High and Highland (eastbound). So, if you are driving at that intersection and you are expecting an eastbound vehicle coming off High Avenue to wait for the green light to turn right onto Highland, watch out.
During most of the construction for the bank the traffic sign was there. It ended up on the ground about a week ago and is no longer visible at all.
Photo Credit: Nyack Daily Snapshot