by J.C. Brotherhood
Driving home from work on Main St. in the early morning I spied a flock of Puffing Beer Grebes harassing a female VodkaDuck in all her winter plumage. It occurred to me she wasn’t objecting very strenuously to their raucous attention.
Next to them were a couple of Rosy Billed Rum Suckers and a Scotch Hawk trying to keep warm (though by the color of the Rum Suckers beaks it didn’t appear they were in danger of freezing to death anytime soon).
Pretty soon a murder of Pilliated Black and Whites came through with their abundant displays of authority and ear piercing calls to disperse some Evening GrogBeaks gathered by Memorial Park and after a while the Village quieted down again in the crisp morning cold.
Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night!
JC Brotherhood
Nyack NY
Photo Credit: Nyack Daily Snapshot