Nyack, November 8 — A Virtual Legacy Gala Raffle followed Sunday’s Silent Movie at the Nyack Center. To help people save time and money, the annual gala was hosted online — without the extra cost of hiring babysitters, buying fancy party clothes and making an extra trip to the hairdresser.
Nine-year old Christopher Borst, the son of board member Rita Borst, was the official picker. With board members Barbara Brecht, Gretchen Reinheimer, Steve Becker and Susan Wilmink present along with Warren Brecht and Mayor-elect Richard Kavesh looking on, Chris dove his hand in and drew the names of the lucky few. Here’s who won’€¦
- Knicks VIP Package ‘€“ Mark Jacobs
- Apartment in NYC ‘€“ Dan & Mara Cohen
- Golf Lesson ‘€“ Rod Greenwood & Vickie Hertz
- Private Tour of Cloisters w/ Richard Kavesh and Dinner at Bette Midler’s Restaurant ‘€“ Duane Stilwell & Lisa Kubie
- Velvet Handbag ‘€“ Hon. Connie Coker
- Flower Market Tour with Denny Berry ‘€“ Gretchen Reinheimer
- Pearl Bracelet ‘€“ David Brogno & Nancy Sall
Everyone will be notified by mail and email in the coming days. An official announcement thanking everyone who donated to the Virtual Legacy Gala will also be posted on the web. With everyone’s help, Nyack Center earned over $9,000 to support its critical community-building programs and historic building!!
Special thanks to sponsors Baer & McIntosh, Berard & Donahue and HSBC; Al Michalowski for all his web work; Pedro & Jose at Presidential Insurance for all their printing work; and donated raffle items from isaVi Designs, p.ross Boutique, DB Blooms, Degenshein Architects, MSG (Madison Square Garden) and Gretchen Reinheimer. And a big thanks to Jo & Peter Baer for providing the impetus (all the way from North Carolina!) and initially creating the Legacy Fund for Nyack Center