Ever wonder which birds stay put when their brethren take flight? The Nyack Backyard blog is participating in Project Feederwatch, a winter-long survey of birds to determine how the species that stay are being affected by the changes in the environment. It’s a joint effort of Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Bird Studies Canada and volunteers — like you.
“There’s still time to sign up for Project Feederwatch,” says Nyack Backyard. On two consecutive days each week between November 14 and April 9, participants count feeding birds and enter their allies on the Cornell Ornithology Lab website. “You (and your kids) can be part of a real ongoing scientific study.”
FeederWatch data help scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations and long-term trends in bird distribution and abundance.
Sources: Nyack Backyard, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Photo Credit: Nyack Backyard