Murphy, the former faux mayoral candidate, regular April 1st contributor and our favorite Big Dog, passed away on Oct 17.
It is with deep sadness and regret that we learn of former Mayoral candidate Murphy’s untimely death. He brought much joy and happiness to everyone who knew and loved him. It is a very sad time for the whole family especially since we all knew how much he had personally vested of himself in his neighborhood. His passing leaves a large hole that will not be so easily filled.
I guess we will never know who Murphy would have endorsed.
Not to bring another character into this discussion but as a former Mayoral Candidate Murphy certainly represents a unique constituency, which needs to be brought to the table.
OK maybe not exactly the table, but don’t his faithful supporters also deserve a voice in Nyack? With all due respect for endorsements already made; you don’t get much more local than old Murphy. Even now, with his passing, I hold Murphy’s opinion in much higher regard than some of Nyack’s ‘€œnot too swift boaters’€ who rely largely on ad hominem attacks to make their points. (Murphy couldnt spell or even pronounce ad hominem and aside from the occasional ‘€œwoof’€ he certainly was not the type of blue dog / attack dog to resort to fear based rhetoric in any case).
Some endorsements come from as far away as Suffern and Pearl River, clearly an example of the tail wagging the dog in Nyack’s case.
Murphy’s vested interests were Nyack first and foremost. OK given enough snausages and he would endorse whoever you want, but that’s OK because he was always consistent in that too.
Faithful hound he got his nose into everything, had more credibility than a ‘€œlame duck’€ and could be seen personally marking his territory mornings around 7:15 on North Broadway.
Best wishes Murphy, may all the rabbits in heaven be fat and slow.
Murphy Zornow passed away last Saturday 10/17/09 from kidney disease. The former rescue dog lived almost 11 years and is sorely missed by his family and friends — and not as much by the men and women who work for the postal service, Fedex and UPS. To read his previous posts to NyackNewsAndViews, click here.