Incumbent C. Scott Vanderhoef (R) squared off with Orangetown Supervisor challenger Thom Kleiner (D) in a debate between Rockland County Executive candidates on Sunday 10/18 at the Rockland JCC.
The candidates traded punches on taxes. Kleiner says the county has been running a deficit for the past three years. “[We’re] in serious financial trouble and have to get out of trouble.”
Vanderhoef countered that by running the county as if it were an efficient business he has been able to cut tax rates by reducing the workforce and attacking Medicare fraud.
Kleiner says that despite the reduced rates total tax collections are up and that Rockland residents now pay more to borrow money because Moody’s has downgraded the county’s bond rating twice. Vanderhoef questioned Kleiner’s tax cred claiming Orangetown has had more tax increases than the county.
“I like Thom, but I don’t think he should be county executive,” says Vanderhoef, who claims Kleiner hasn’t accomplished anything during his time as chief executive of Orangetown.
The candidates previously squared off in a debate on environmental issues on 10/8 sponsored by the Rockland Water Coalition. Your can see video of that debate on YouTube and at the Ramapo Times.
The candidates will meet again on Wednesday at 11a streamed live at and at 8p at The Nyack Center.
Source: Journal News