by Marianne Olive
Thank You Nyack; thank you to all my loyal supporters who believe in me, thank you to this wonderful community that I want tothank you to the Friends of Nyack, the Democratic Committee,the Chamber of Commerce, Rockland World Radio, to you Nyack News and Views, to all the wonderful media that helped to spread the good word about this exciting campaign and a heart warming thank you to my incredible group make even more wonderful;of campaign volunteers, family and friends who have tirelessly and consistently helped me throughout this entire process. You are all the salt of the earth.
It has been a whirlwind of a learning experience. I’ve gotten the education of my life about governing a village from the Nyack water plant, Mike was so kind to spend hours touring me around and explaining in detail the workings , budget and details of the entire plant. I met many of the employees who are hard working and behind the scene.
I met so many officials in all the neighboring villages, municipalities, and towns and have learned from each different ways to do things. I walked every street in Nyack except three small blocks that I will walk today after I cast my vote! My campaign strategy was to relentlessly work every day and every night talking to people, passing out my palm cards and yes passing out my homemade cookies! I met some of the most wonderful people and I thank God that I have this opportunity to serve each one of you.
Thank you for your patience with me for my lack of experience in government, but my outstanding record of business management, operations, budget control and public relations will only make Nyack more of a success if I am your Mayor. I am so excited and enthusiastic about all of the wonderful endless possibilities and goals I plan to immediately work on and implement.
To my opponents, I thank you for working hard for this community and on your campaign. I have never run for public office and have very little experience with any politicians, but I have learned so much in such a short time. whoever wins has a tough road ahead and will need lots of help and encouragement. If I am not the peoples choice, I will be available to any of you who may be chosen. Lets all realize that this is one village with only one team. We should all work together and have fun along the way. Good luck to all.
My humble regards,
Marianne Olive