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Anarchy in Nyack?

by Curabad

Does anyone else in Nyack, find it odd that each Thursday, Friday and Saturday (at the minimum) night the streets of Nyack are handed over to a mob of drunken partygoers?   It’s one thing to support a thriving downtown with an active and rich nightlife.  I’m all for visiting the great restaurants and bars that line Main St, but when those bars are targeting college students, most of them underage, and supporting , through their promotions, late-night overdrinking then it becomes not only irresponsible, but dangerous and damaging to the village.   

I’ve never been to a village which sits back and allows its streets to be literally overtaken by a screaming, drunken mob at least three times a week!  Where is the leadership?  Where is the debate about having a stronger police presence downtown?  Why aren’t people demanding a reduction of music levels in these bars and nightclubs?   I hear people talk about the diminishing tax base; the empty store fronts in Nyack, well what kinds of businesses would want to move into Nyack and open up shop next to these establishments?   We are creating a place where only bars and nightclubs would want to set up shop.   I don’t think these places are part of the revitalization of a village downtown, but rather as the beginning of the permanent transformation of Nyack into a partygoer’s paradise.  The leadership of Nyack should be careful about this issue and provide some strong and decisive answers.

See also: Downtown Thrives – Minus The Anarchy (9/23)Descartes on Nyack 9/22

Nyack Farmer's Market

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