The History Channel features one of our neighborhood landmarks in “The Crumbling Of America,” Monday night 6/22 at 9p.
America’s infrastructure is collapsing. Tens of thousands of bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. A third of the nation’s highways are in poor or mediocre shape. Massively leaking water and sewage systems are creating health hazards and contaminating rivers and streams.
Yes, it’s our very own Tappan Zee Bridge tonight at 9p on FiOS Channel 128 and Cablevision Channel 47. Btw, if the animations and the dire predictions in this telecast keep you up at night worrying about the safety of the TZB, the NYS Thruway swears it’s still a safe road:
“Yes, the Tappan Zee Bridge is safe. The New York State Thruway Authority operates a regular program of scheduled maintenance designed specifically to ensure that the bridge is safe for travel. The bridge also receives a detailed inspection every two years by qualified engineers.”
But officials don’t disagree with the charge that the Tappan Zee is increasingly expensive to maintain. Which is part of the rationale for building a new bridge instead of continuing to maintain the current structure indefinitely with its capacity and design limitations.
Source:, Journal News, TZB Environmental Review