Today is the last day broadcasters will transmit in analog. That means if you don’t have cable or satellite, haven’t purchased a digital converter and don’t own a digital-ready TV, you won’t be watching TV tomorrow.
If you know anyone in this situation, you can call a helpline, courtesy of the AARP at 1-877-698-8068. There’s also info online from local stations WNBC, WABC, WCBS and the Engineer’s Answer Page at (WNYW).
Also, here are some helpful info courtesy of the Cynopsis media newsletter:
Best Buy electronic store’s Geek Squad is providing free DTV installation for consumers. The Geek Squad will adjust existing antennas; scan and rescan converter boxes to locate the maximum digital broadcast channels available; integrate an existing VCR; and provide guidance on the operation of the converter box. This free service is available until June 30th in 31 states. For more information on this, call the DTV conversion hotline at 877-BBY-DTV9 (877-229-3889) 9a-12m daily… For more information on converter boxes, check out
As of June 10, Nielsen says there are still two million TV homes that aren’t ready.