Join the Rockland Progressive Democratic Caucus as they meet on Wed., June 24 at 7:30 pm on the 2nd floor of Nyack Village Hall. The major focus of the meeting will be to mobilize the organization for Thom Kleiner, the Orangetown Supervisor and the Democratic candidate for County Executive. Representatives from Kleiner’s campaign will be there to help coordinate a grassroots “get out the vote” effort. The group will discuss petitioning, canvassing, phone banking and other critical campaign activities.
This election hinges entirely on voter turnout and the group believes a strong number of voters depends on person-to-person campaigning, so they want all the grassroots volunteers they can get.
The Rockland Progressive Democratic Caucus has also completed building the Web site. The site, Rockland Progressive Dems, at, is a member-driven information and opinion site and the organization thinks it’s an ideal netroots tool to complement the grassroots organization behind it. Several Progressive Democrats have already contributed to the site and the site is getting thousands of pageviews per week.
For those of you that want to get an early start on campaigning, Thom Kleiner’s temporary office has opened across Lydecker from the Runcible Spoon. The address is 23 N Broadway. Stop by.