If you decide not to go to the Riverspace Dinner in Haverstraw on Thursday, and want to hear about local issues, check out the Village Board meeting. Thursday’s agenda may be a little less controversial agenda than the last meeting, but will have some interesting issues.
For those taking Nyack taxis, there is good news and bad news. The Village will be looking at raising the rates, which now says that no trip within the Village can be more than $3. The Village has asked the three taxi companies to come to the board and request a fare increase, but the companies surprisingly haven’t bothered to go through the process.
The good news is that you’ll know how much the fare is. The Village will also vote on mandating that fares be printed on the cars. Apparently, it isn’t clear that people have always been charged the correct amount.
The Board will also be dealing with its favorite issue: parking.
If you like to park on the sidewalk, watch out! The Village will discuss a new fine for sidewalk offenders, for a whopping $200. This is in response of loading trucks, trying to stay out of traffic, roll up on the sidewalk. This is an imposition on pedestrians, and destructive to the curbs. Many downtowns have granite curbs, which are indestructible, but are much more expensive. Granite curbs, however, are often less expensive in the long run. Of course, this is not to say that trucks should park on the sidewalk.
Another “loaded” issue to be discussed will be loading zones. Nyack used to have a no parking loading zone from 9am to 5pm. Due to an inconsistency in the local law, Parking Enforcement changed the old signage which had no parking 9am-5pm to allow truck loading, but automobiles could park in the evening and night. Now they are posted as no parking anytime. The Board will discuss changing the law to allow, once again, evening/night parking.