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What Swine Flu Means To You

Nyack Public Schools issued this announcement Monday afternoon in response to concerns about the outbreak of swine flu cases which have proven fatal in Mexico.

We want to assure you that there is no cause for alarm and there are no reported cases in Rockland County.  We are following the guidelines of our emergency safety plans and remain in close contact with the Rockland County Board of Health and BOCES Health and Safety Office.

In our schools we are taking precautions by additionally sanitizing heavily touched areas and reminding students to wash their hands frequently and cover their nose and mouth with a tissue or their sleeve when coughing or sneezing.  We ask that if you or your child has flulike symptoms you keep him/her home from school, inform the school nurse and see a doctor.

There are eight confirmed swine flu cases in New York city causing NY Governor Patterson to activate the state’s health emergency preparedness plan. ‘€œWe are coordinating a strong response with the CDC and city and county health departments,” Patterson said.  A 24 hour hotline number, activated on Sunday, received over 300 calls in the first four hours of operation. The hotline is 1-800-808-1987.

Source: Nyack Public Schools, NYS Office of the Governor

See also:

Nyack People & Places, a weekly series that features photos and profiles of citizens and scenes near Nyack, NY, is sponsored by Sun River Health.

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