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Raising Baby, Corporation-Free

‘€œCorporate marketers want to own your baby: Learn how to stop them’€ is the first of a series of monthly forums for moms and mothers-to-be.  Laura Rose, founder of Active Moms of Rockland, will present a multi-media eye opening presentation in a baby friendly room this Tuesday at 12:30p. Bring baby if you wish and please come a little early for parking and sign-in. This is a free event open to mommies only (with babes 0-2 years).

‘€œIn the Know’€ was created as a forum to discuss issues effecting moms and babies, their health, environment, and wellbeing. Laura Rose is a certified health counselor, wellness facilitator, and  a mom of a 6 month old.
Tuesday September 23, 2008
‘€œIn the Know with Laura Rose’€

Baby Room at the JCC of West Nyack
450 West Nyack Rd, West Nyack, NY 10994
845-362-4400 Ext 103

Nyack Farmer's Market

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