Eight candidates for the Nyack Public Schools Board of Education will answer questions from the public on Monday May 12 at Nyack High School at 7:30p. Three incumbents, Bryan Burrell, Victor Czajkowksi and Dr. Fletcher Johnson, are running against five challengers: Jeff Hindin, Claudette Jimerson, Tom LaColla, Jen Marraccino and Rick Tannenbaum.
The candidates will respond to prepared questions from the Nyack Schools’ PTA followed by questions from the audience.
NyackNewsAndViews.com has offered space to all eight candidates to discuss their candidacy. We will post this content in a new section of this site later this week. Also, the Journal News offers this a pre-forum primer.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the candidates forum on May 12 and the election on Tuesday May 20th.